The importance of stretching and mobility: the Catalyst Gym
It’s week 4 of Move More September and this week’s blog focuses on stretching and mobility, with key advice from Coach Aisling. Stretching and […]
September 25, 2023

It’s week 4 of Move More September and this week’s blog focuses on stretching and mobility, with key advice from Coach Aisling.
Stretching and mobility should be a key part of your exercise routine, with benefits including:
- Improved flexibility by increasing the range of motion in your joints and muscles. This allows for better movement patterns and can improve performance inside the gym.
- Injury prevention: regular stretching reduces the risk of injury which is essential to keep you consistent in getting to the gym and achieving your goals.
- Recovery: stretching can aid recovery by reducing post-exercise soreness and stiffness. It also increases blood flow to muscles which helps repair tissues.
You should also include a warm-up and cool-down as part of your regular exercise routine.
A warm-up increases blood flow, preparing your muscles for the workout ahead, and helping you mentally prepare for exercise. A cool-down promotes muscle recovery, reduces muscle soreness, and helps prevent injury.
Key stretches to get you started:
- World’s greatest stretch – stretching out your hip and increasing mobility in the thoracic.
10 reps on each side - Half kneeling hip flexor stretch – stretching your hip flexor and quads.
45 seconds on each leg - 90/90 hip stretch – increasing the range of motion in your hip flexors.
10 reps – 5 on each side - Floor scorpion stretch – stretching your chest and lower back.
10 reps – 5 on each side - Cobra to downward dog – stretching your shoulders and hamstrings.
10 reps - Pigeon Stretch – stretching your glutes and hips.
45 seconds on each side