Tankcube uses smart low-carbon technology for domestic hot water, helping achieve your NetZero Founder: William Paul What is your background? I’m William Paul, […]
September 29, 2021

Tankcube uses smart low-carbon technology for domestic hot water, helping achieve your NetZero
Founder: William Paul
What is your background?
I’m William Paul, an Electronic Engineer, with over 20 years’ experience in product design and development, team leadership and management and solopreneur of TankCube.
When did you jump into your start-up full time?
I have been working on TankCube full time for the last 24months.
What inspired you to start your business?
I spent years developing, designing and managing products for others, but had ideas of my own that were just as viable for market and believed that I had the abilities and experience to realise them.
What problem are you solving?
Super insulated domestic hot water cylinders leave us no way of knowing the volume of hot water available for use in our homes, especially when an eco-heat source such as solar PV or solar thermal is used. TankCube allows users to see the quantity and temperature of water in the hot tank and provides smart controls to enable users to save energy and smartly set home water heating needs.
Who and where are your potential customers?
As world governments set green NetZero targets and laws for energy sources and consumption, every home will need to change their heating system.
What makes you different to other businesses in this field who are already out there?
TankCube is a smart and necessary electric technology for our NetZero future, yet it’s price-point makes it very affordable. TankCube offers high-end product features and can be easily retrofitted to many existing tanks.
What do you think is the potential for your business?
I believe TankCube has huge potential as every home must ready for 2035’s NetZero targets.
Where do you hope to be 5 years from now and what’s your ultimate ambition?
My hope is that TankCube is a success and that in five years’ time, I would be able to begin developing other eco-products.